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Danielle Brandon is Making Moves in 2022

Danielle Brandon is Making Moves in 2022

Chris Fortunato |


Last month, the Tru Grit team hit the road to Las Vegas to meet up with premiere CrossFit athlete, Danielle Brandon. The timing put us right behind the 2022 CrossFit Games, where Danielle and the greatest athletes in the world came together in Madison, Wisconsin for the biggest fitness contest of the year. The athletes challenged their mental and physical capacity over the course of 5 days, with events that included a handstand walking course, 126-ft sled push, and a 1-rep-max sandbag-to-shoulder.

Danielle Brandon Tests New Tru Grit Dark Horse Push Sled

(Photo by JSquared Photography @j2pix

With hot pink hair and clear focus on her face, it wasn't hard to miss DB on the field. She showed up for her 4th consecutive year, ready to work, and determined to improve from last year. Her performance was nothing short of admirable, earning her the title of 4th fittest woman of 2022. 

Coming off the games and entering the off-season, DB finally had a chance to slow down her pace, but she had more plans than just watching Grays Anatomy during her break. For the last 2+ years, Danielle has called Las Vegas home. However, in her constant pursuit for excellence and improvement, she has decided to shift her program to the Sunshine State - declaring Naples, Florida her new home-base. 

Before she packed up her life in Vegas to head to Florida, the Tru Grit team had the opportunity to catch up, walk through some new equipment samples, and have some fun on a photoshoot with Locale Magazine. 

Check out what a day in the life with our team looks like on the road for the DB x Locale photoshoot here.  




After a solid day of shooting and sweating, DB grabbed some t-shirts and gear and hit the road for a TG x DB road trip! The long road to Florida gave her a chance to visit a few gyms along the way. She took the time to meet fans and athletes in each state, dropping off merch and gear to some incredible fans. 





The smile on everyone's face says it all. Pictured here is DB with fans at Crossfit 737 in Austin Texas.   Danielle has since safely arrived in her new home and is ready to get back to training for what is sure to be another killer performance at the 2023 Games. Make sure to follow along on her Instagram (@daniellebrandon7) to stay up to date on what Tru Grit gear she is using to stay in competition shape. 


Good luck DB, we can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish next.